Learn more about what we are up to!
The lab is moving to the University of South Florida, School of Geosciences in Fall 2023!
Check our MS and PhD programs in Geography, Environment and Policy and Join the Lab!
Spring 23
Estelí was awarded the Early Career Excellence Award from the Agriculture Food and Human Values Society (AFHVS)! See you at the AFHVS conference in Boston!
Along with students at SUNY-ESF, (Ashmita Das and Julie Capito), the lab is creating a boardgame to teach agroecological principles to the design and management of sustainable gardens!!! COMPANION: AN AGROECOLOGICAL ADVENTURE.
Gabe Smith is moving to a new exciting position at Cornell Cooperative Extension for an urban agroforestry position!
The lab was at the Association of American Geographers (AAG) at Denver in March 2023.
Our lab is preparing for fieldwork this summer 2023! Esteli is working with undergraduate student Diana Stone (funded by SU SOURCE) and animal physiologist Margaret Voss, PhD (SU), on a systematic review to understand how ant communities are impacted by microclimatic variation. We will be setting up a study to examine how temperature and humidity vary in coffee agroecosystems undergoing simplification, and its effects on arboreal ant communities. We are always looking for collaborators!
Esteli is also starting a very exciting collaboration with friend and colleague Dr. Erika Diaz-Almeyda to study the microbiome of coffee roots. We will be collecting data this summer in three different types of coffee systems in Chiapas.
The lab is also gearing up for a VERY proliferous year of IN PERSON conference papers!! So exciting. We will be at AAG in Denver, AFHVS in Boston and ESA in Portland! Come say Hi!
Fall 2022
Estelí was awarded a Foundation for Food and Agriculture (FFAR) New Innovator Award for Food and Agriculture Research!! 2022-2025
Summer 2022
Our lab is currently examining how migrant laborers forage, cook and discuss wild plants that grow in the coffee agroforest in Chiapas, Mexico. Esteli and lab friends Sanya Cowall (UCSC), and April Lopez (SU), are walking the coffee forest with migrant women to examine linkages between agrobiodiversity, food sovereignty and resistance in the plantation.
Fall 2021
We are excited to announce the establishment of the Living Agroecology Lab at Syracuse University in 2021, dedicated to advancing research in agroecology, food sovereignty and biodiversity under global environmental change. Explore the website and join us!